This is carcity, check in time is now, check out time is never. ____________________________________________________________________________ Map Title mp_carpark Map Version 1.0 Author Stan Noordman, nicknamed Dragon excluding possible clantag. E-mail Website ____________________________________________________________________________ Supported Gametype Deathmatch Team Deathmatch Domination Headquarters Search and Destroy Sabotage Recommended players ... 4 - 12 ____________________________________________________________________________ Table of contents: mp_carpark.ff mp_carpark_load.ff mp_carpark.iwd, which contains: ______________________|_______________ | images/compass_map_mp_carpark.iwi | | images/loadscreen_mp_carpark.iwi | | maps/mp_carpark.csv | | maps/mp/mp_carpark.gsc | | materials/compass_map_mp_carpark | | materials/loadscreen_mp_carpark | | mp/mp_carpark.arena | |______________________________________| ____________________________________________________________________________ Installation instructions: For servers admins and individual users, Place 'mp_carpark.iwd' in the '[root]/mods/ModWarfare' folder, or any other mod folder. You may have to create the '[root]/usermaps' folder. You have to create the '[root]/usermaps/mp_carpark' folder after that. Place 'mp_carpark.ff' and 'mp_carpark_load.ff' in the '[root]/usermaps/mp_carpark' folder. It is ready to go. ____________________________________________________________________________ Construction time | 50 hours. | Custom content | Minimap and loadscreen. Known bugs | Some light bleed errors that I don't really | want to fix unless there's a really good | reason. Minimap isn't perfect. ____________________________________________________________________________ Special thanks Infinity Ward AmishThunder All the server admins that will run this map ____________________________________________________________________________ Additional info This map is for 4 - 12 players and will be chaotic when going up. Designed for SD, it's supposed to give something new than the basic formula of as an attacker going A or B and a defender going A or B. Camping is not an option for both attackers and defenders. This map is vertical and will feel even smaller than it is, there are three staircases connecting each level, the bottom one is a bombsite and the top one is a bombsite and the middle one is where people flank. The idea behind it is that there isn't an invisible line which will be the barrier between attacker and defender. Everyone is running all over the place trying to flank the other, because once your flanked your screwed because it's nearly impossible to spot someone with all those cars. A pre-emptive apology for the many stairclimbing you will have. ____________________________________________________________________________ Feedback & bugreport If you have found a bug or error in the map, like bad texture, misplaced models and parts where you can climb onto when your not supposed to, please email me at If you would like to leave suggestions, compliments or hate mail, also feel free to mail me. If your someone important and would like to speak to me in person, please state that in your mail. ____________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer None of the materials provided on this file may be re-uploaded to other sites without written permission from the author. All rights reserved. All other brands, logos and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. For more information, see Copyright Act. Published in 05 February 2008 By Stan Noordman